Agent Benefits

A Bharat Nirman Limited, agent is the person who advice's his/her investors on their future investment plans to get more and more secured returns on the land investment, also fulfilling their family and children dreams. Our agents are the highest earning real estate professionals in the market. There are few agents who have been consistently earning more than ₹ 1 crore per annum. The average gross income of more than 30% of Bharat Nirman Limited’s agents is over ₹ 20 lakhs per annum. It is not a onetime commission on a sale made by you, unlike any other selling, Bharat Nirman Limited offers you two different types’ commissions on farmland investments. First one is Spot and Prompt Commission when any investor invested in Bharat Nirman Limited ventures through you. The second one is farmland yielding, it will also be shared with you at the time of harvesting of the crop. This sharing structure in general 60% - 30% - 10% (60% to Investor/Plot owner, 30% to Bharat Nirman Limited and 10% to Agent who have brought the investor/buyer for the particular plot), such an arrangement called as Farm Produce Commission and it cannot be seen in any other real estate company in the country. Pranams to Mother Bharat Nirman; that’s why, agents who get to know this great blessing, never quit agency and keep on doing business as long as they can. So, if you work for just few years rigorously and quit Bharat Nirman Limited also, you will get an income from our Farm Produce Commission in future at the time of harvesting of the main forestry plantation farmland venture, the earnings may > than ₹ 1 crore (± 50%) at the harvesting time of each venture, subject to depends on your size of investors in the particular venture.

For top performers, commission is not the only earning from Bharat Nirman Limited. The additional income comes in the form of bumper bonanzas, lucky-draw, family holiday tours, interest free quick loan for your son/daughter’s higher education or wedding etc... In all, you will live a life of a private company CEO, but with freedom of time and the pleasure and joy of being on your own.

Additional Benefits:

  • A Bharat Nirman Limited, our agents indirectly contributes to economic growth and financial well-being of the middle-class and lower middle-class families, pursuing their dreams and financial goals;
  • Club Membership: Any top performing agent can avail Bharat Nirman’s VIP Club membership for lifetime and can spend 3 nights and 4 days with family and children at every 6 months at any of our club facility which are located across our ventures with lush greens and mountain views;
  • Career Advancement: You can appoint down the level agents under your leadership, the company will provide training and conduct influence seminars for your team by industry leaders, speakers;
  • Work part time or full time;
  • Enjoy unlimited earning opportunity;
  • Bonus Commission (When your reach milestones);
  • Hereditary Commission: In case any agent died while his agency subsists, Farm Produce Commission will continue to be payable to his legal heirs or nominee as per the Farm Produce Commission Agreement;
  • Our agents will be insured by the Bharat Nirman Limited’s Group Health Insurance Policy worth of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) Per Annum along with Term Life Insurance value of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs Only) as soon as they reached minimum 10 Sales in our farmland ventures. The same will be delivered to the agent within 60 days from the date of completion of minimum sales through the registered post;
  • Anybody Can Work: Marketing Professionals, Freelance Consultants, Insurance Agents, Chit Fund Agents, Bank Employees, Teachers, Housewives, Retd. Govt. Employees, Stock Brokers, 25+ old anybody can work with no age limit;
  • Why waiting for? Become an Agent of Bharat Nirman Limited with no working capital and build your own real estate business empire by spending just 3 to 4 hours of your time in a day to settle-down solidly in your life.

    Click Here to download Agent Registration Form - We invite you to join hands together in this magnificent journey of Real Growth and Great Real Estate Earnings...

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